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What is DISH Support about?
With tutorials, how-to videos, interviews, Tipps & Tricks and FAQs we make an expert out of you when it comes to our tools.

How to edit account information in the mobile app

In this video, we'll show you how to edit your account information in the DISH mobile app.

Mája 2024

Ako získať prístup k ovládaciemu panelu nástrojov prostredníctvom mobilného zariadenia

V tomto návode vám ukážeme, ako získať prístup k nástrojom DISH prostredníctvom aplikácie v mobilnom zariadení.

Mája 2024


Ako si zmením heslo na

V tomto návode vám ukážeme, ako zmeniť heslo na stránke

Mája 2024


Ako zmeniť svoje platobné údaje

V tomto videu vám ukážeme, ako zmeniť svoje platobné údaje na hlavnom paneli.

Mája 2024


Visit my dashboard in DISH mobile app

In this video we are going to show you how to visit your dashboard in the mobile app.

Januára 2024

Thumbnail of the video
DISH Order

How to disable other food ordering providers on Google

In this video, we'll show you how to disable other food ordering providers on Google.

Decembra 2023

DISH Order

How to auto deactivate the webshop

In this video we show you how to deactivate the webshop automatically.

Decembra 2023

DISH Order

How to integrate PayPal as a payment method

In this video we show you how to integrate PayPal as a payment method.

Decembra 2023

DISH Order

How to cancel an order with reasoning in the admin panel

In this video we show you how to cancel an order with reasoning in the admin panel.

Decembra 2023

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